Services Database Stop Smoking Service (Warrington Area)
Service ID
A stop smoking service where:
- pharmacists can provide one to one support to help clients stop smoking; and/or
- a supply of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) can be made to children and young people on presentation of a voucher issued by a smoking cessation advisor.
Location of service
Cheshire & Wirral LPC
Local Authority (LA)
Method of commissioning
Source of funding
Local Authority (LA)
Service type
Stop smoking
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
One to one support service
Pharmacists are requested to attend a recognised training course based on the Health Development Agencies recommendations for delivering Smoking Cessation interventions. The following training will be offered:
- NCSCT Online training;
- Warrington SSS Level 2 Smoking Cessation; and
- Database training (where applicable).
On-going training will include the following:
- attendance at required Smoking Cessation modules;
- visit to premises (all paperwork will be discussed);
- first quarter visit to premises; and
- attendance to at least one update session per year with the Stop Smoking Service (compulsory).
Children & Young People NRT Voucher Service
At least one representative from the pharmacy contractor must attend one of the training events, and arrange for the information to be disseminated to pharmacy staff.
This service is available in the Warrington area only.