Medicine Supply Notification: Paroxetine (Seroxat®) 20mg/10ml oral suspension

Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has issued a medicine supply notification for Paroxetine (Seroxat®) 20mg/10ml oral suspension.


Tier 2 – medium impact

Date of issue 14th July 2022

  • Paroxetine (Seroxat®) 20mg/10ml oral suspension will be discontinued in July 2022
  • There are limited supplies remaining.
  • Paroxetine tablets and unlicensed specials of paroxetine 10mg/5ml oral suspension remain available and can support an uplift in demand.

The following specialist importers have confirmed they can source unlicensed paroxetine 10mg/5ml oral suspension (please note there may be other companies that can also source supplies):

If there is currently no listing on dm+d for the imported product for prescribers to select using their prescribing systems an EPS prescription for unlicensed paroxetine 10mg/5ml oral suspension cannot be issued. Where a prescriber wishes to prescribe an unlicensed import, an FP10 paper prescription should be issued as ‘ Paroxetine 10mg/5ml oral suspension (Special Order)‘ and endorsed by the pharmacy as a non-Part VIIIB special with the following information:

  • Amount dispensed over pack size used;
  • Invoice price per pack size from which the order was supplied less any discount or rebate;
  • Manufacturers’/importers’ MHRA licence number;
  • Batch number of the product supplied;
  • SP

A copy of this medicine supply notification, including further information, has been sent to all pharmacy NHS email addresses.

DHSC and NHSE/I have now launched an online Medicines Supply Tool, which provides up to date information about medicine supply issues. The contents of these MSNs can now be viewed on the Tool.

The Tool also details any changes to resupply dates and updates to the entries.

To access the Tool you will need  an NHS email address. Once set up and logged in, you will be able to access it online.

New shortages not listed on the SPS website, can be reported using our shortage reporting tool.