NHS publishes Pharmacy Workforce Race Equality Standard (PWRES)

NHS England has taken a significant step towards promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion in pharmacy with the recent release of the Pharmacy Workforce Race Equality Standard (PWRES).

The PWRES report provides the first national overview of diverse experiences within pharmacy teams, aiming to improve diversity and inclusion in pharmacy. It outlines actionable steps for senior pharmacy leaders and encourages all pharmacy professionals across community pharmacy to help work towards a more inclusive and equitable pharmacy environment.

The PWRES is part of the Inclusive Pharmacy Practice (IPP) initiative and highlights the importance of fostering inclusive pharmacy work environments. The IPP Delivery Plan also outlines how the Chief Pharmaceutical Officer’s team at NHS England is taking action in the areas of data, accountability, leadership and talent management.

On its release, Chief Pharmaceutical Officer for England, David Webb, expressed determination to collaborate with IPP partners to address issues highlighted in the report. He stressed that experiences of racism, discrimination, and limited career advancement among Black, Asian, and minority ethnic pharmacy professionals are unacceptable. He also emphasised that more must be done to make sure that there is equity of experience and opportunity.

Find out more PWRES and related initiatives

Black History Month

The report’s release also coincides with Black History Month, which we at Community Pharmacy England, along with many of our colleagues across community pharmacy and beyond, will be observing throughout October. The month of October is dedicated to celebrating and acknowledging the contributions of those with African and Caribbean heritage to British society while fostering an awareness of Black history in general.