Pharmacy IT workstreams update published after IT group meets
Community Pharmacy England has released a summary of the meeting of the Community Pharmacy IT Group (CP ITG) held in June 2024.
The group discussed
- GP Connect developments
- Piloting for Electronic Prescription Service and the detained estates and secondary care
- Vaccination IT
- Artificial intelligence
- NHS Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (CPCF) pharmacy IT
If you would like to learn more and get involved, you can:
- Complete a new quick snap poll on NHS App and pharmacy (2-3 mins max) – results to help NHS App development.
- If pharmacy teams that start using GP Connect Update Record / upcoming Access Record / upcoming Booking and Referral Standards (BaRS) wish to share feedback or speak with NHSE’s TD user research team members, please email NHS researchers may also conduct some visits to pharmacy teams using such enhancements in the London and Manchester area during June-Aug 2024.
To request Community Pharmacy England and the Community Pharmacy IT Group consider IT matters or to request to join the next meeting, please fill out the One-minute IT feedback/comment form
The summer round-up also outlines opportunities for pharmacy teams to contribute towards and get involved with improving pharmacy IT.
To learn more, please refer to IT update one-page factsheet and Quarterly IT update bulletin (pdf) / Quarterly IT update bulletin (html website version).
About the CP ITG
Members of the CP ITG are drawn from Community Pharmacy England, NPA, RPS, CCA and IPA (formerly AIMp). Community Pharmacy England provides the secretariat for the group. The group’s meetings and work also involve pharmacy owners and teams, system suppliers, NHSBSA, NHS Digital, NHS England’s pharmacy team, NHS England’s Transformation Directorate, DHSC and PRSB. Read more about the group and it’s work: CP ITG webpage.