Additional non-CCA multiples appointed to Community Pharmacy England Committee

The Managing Director of Jardines (UK) Ltd and Superintendent Pharmacist of Pearl Chemist Group have been selected as non-CCA multiple observers to the Community Pharmacy England Committee. The establishment of two contributing observer places is an interim measure to ensure pharmacy owners with 10 or more pharmacies are well represented, while the Committee considers more permanent changes to its structure.

Following a call for owners of 10 or more pharmacy premises in England (the non-CCA multiple category) to express interest for one of two new observer places, a significant number of applications were received, and several high-quality candidates were interviewed. In concluding the process, the appointment of the following candidates has now been confirmed:

  1. Has Modi, Managing Director, Jardines (UK) Ltd [49 pharmacies in East of England and East Midlands]
  2. Mayank Patel, Director and Superintendent Pharmacist, Pearl Chemist Group Ltd [27 pharmacies in London and Surrey]

As contributing observers Mr Modi and Mr Patel will join the current three Committee members elected from the non-CCA multiples in participating fully in both committee and subcommittee discussions, directly informing decision-making.

The new posts will officially begin from Wednesday 11th December 2024 and are expected to last for a minimum of a year, dependent on the outcome of further deliberations on committee structure, constitutional change and associated issues.

Community Pharmacy England’s invitation to non-CCA multiples was part of a process to help rebalance the multiple half of the Committee’s composition from the Company Chemists’ Association (CCA) member multiples to other multiples with more than 10 pharmacies. The Governance and People Subcommittee identified that this needed to be addressed due to a significant change in sector ownership since the last elections to the Committee in 2023.

The Committee is extremely grateful to non-CCA multiple pharmacy owners for how enthusiastically they engaged with this process.

Adrian Price, Chair of CPE’s Governance and People Subcommittee, said:

“We were delighted to receive a large number of expressions of interest from owners of 10 or more pharmacies, and the appointments panel faced a tough choice when reviewing all the high-quality applications.

Whilst large scale constitutional change requires careful consideration, we have looked to move quickly in addressing the need to rebalance the Committee’s make up in favour of non-CCA multiples.

As well as feeding into the critical day-to-day work of Community Pharmacy England, Has and Mayank will play a very important role in helping us through the transition process as the Committee considers making more permanent changes to its membership. We look forward to hearing their valuable contributions to all of the Committee’s deliberations and decision-making.”

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