Prescription submission
Published on: 5th July 2013 | Updated on: 10th August 2022
This section contains links to pages relevant to the sorting and submitting of your prescriptions to the Pricing Authority for payment.
Pharmacy teams should note that from November 2021, all community pharmacy contractors will have the chance to receive earlier advance payments, following agreement between Community Pharmacy England and the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC). Advance payments will be made approximately 20 days earlier than the current payment timetable for contractors who make their monthly FP34C submissions through the Manage Your Service (MYS) portal by the 5th of the month.
Our factsheet here provides information on the new payment arrangements.
From March 2022 (for February 2022 prescriptions) the FP34C submission document will only be available on MYS, this will be the only route for all monthly submissions.
Download our factsheet Claiming for EPS prescriptions on time In this factsheet we explain how to reduce the risk of delays to payment caused by timing issues with electronic prescriptions.
For guidance on sorting paper prescriptions with old charge rates see our story: Correct submission of forms and items paid at the old charge rate.
For more information on this topic please email