Responses to consultations
Published on: 1st August 2013 | Updated on: 19th February 2025
Community Pharmacy England regularly responds to public consultations undertaken by bodies such as the Department of Health and Social Care, NHS England and Monitor. Recent responses to consultations are available below:
Response to the DHSC’s consultation on ‘Leading the NHS: proposals to regulate NHS managers’
Response to the Environment Agency’s Waste Crime Charges Consultation (January 2025)
Response to the DHSC/NHS England consultation on a 10-Year Health Plan for England (December 2024)
Response to RICS’s consultation on the Draft Professional Standard: Valuation of medical centre and surgery premises 3rd edition (October 2024)
Submission to the Darzi Review (an independent investigation into NHS performance) (August 2024)
Response to DHSC’s consultation to expand access to take home naloxone supplies (March 2024)
Response to DHSC’s consultation on supervision (February 2024)
Response to DHSC’s Consultation on Pharmacy Technicians using Patient Group Directions (PGDs) (September 2023)
Response to DHSC’s major conditions strategy (June 2023)
Written submission to the Health and Social Care Select Committee Expert Panel pharmacy evaluation (May 2023)
Response to NHS England’s market engagement on the future of vaccination services (September 2022)
Response about digital transformation in the NHS (June 2022, joint response with CP ITG)
Response to DHSC’s consultation on hub and spoke dispensing (June 2022)
Response to DHSC’s consultation on original pack dispensing and supply of medicines containing sodium valproate (December 2021)
Response to Integrating care – Next steps to building strong and effective integrated care systems across England (January 2021)
Response to Health and Social Care Select Committee- The future of General Practice (December 2021)
Response to APPG for pharmacy inquiry: The future of pharmacy in the wake of COVID (November 2021)
Response to Consultation on NHS Provider Selection Regime (February 2021)
Response to Serious Shortage Protocol 12 month review (November 2020)
Response to the NICE consultation on the Community pharmacies: promoting health and wellbeing Quality Standard (February 2020)
Response to the DHSC consultation on community pharmacy reimbursement reforms (September 2019)
Response to the GPhC Consultation on draft guidance for pharmacist prescribers (June 2019)
Response to GPhC initial education and training standards for pharmacists consultation (April 2019)
Response to the NHS Improvement consultation on Developing a patient safety strategy for the NHS (February 2019)
Response to draft 2019/20 NHS Standard Contract (full length and shorter-form versions): A consultation (January 2019)
Response to the DHSC inquiry on the Impact of a No-deal Brexit on Health and Social Care (October 2018)
Response to the DHSC consultation on Gluten-free food on NHS prescription in England (October 2018)
Response to the DHSC consultation on Rebalancing Medicines Legislation and Professional Regulation: draft Orders under section 60 of the Health Act 1999 (September 2018)
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