Our Webinars
Published on: 19th March 2018 | Updated on: 14th February 2025
Upcoming online events for pharmacy owners and their teams
No webinars scheduled currently, but please check back again soon.
On-demand webinars and digital guides
Pharmacy First and the Recovery Plan webinar (27th and 28th November 2023)
Pharmacy Owner Engagement Event (18th September 2023)
Price concessions webinar (5th September 2023)
Vision for Community Pharmacy: Engagement Event (25th July 2023)
Pharmacy Funding, Common Conditions and the Negotiations Webinar (22nd May 2023)
Discount Deduction Changes Webinar (12th October 2022)
CPCF Years 4 and 5 Webinar (4th October 2022)
Changes to advance payments and FP34C submission requirements webinar (5th October 2021)
Revised Pharmacy Access Scheme (PhAS) webinar (21st September 2021)
Dispensing Controlled Drugs webinar (27th July 2021)
Pharmacy Representation Review Webinar (29th June 2020)
Consolidations and mergers webinar (4th March 2020)
Digital CPCF Roadshow (2nd October 2019)
Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (CPCS) webinar (16th September 2019)
Five-Year Deal on CPCF webinar (24th July 2019)
Serious Shortages Protocols (SSPs) webinar (18th July 2019)
Understanding your Schedule of Payments webinar (11th June 2019)
Prescription charge exemptions and switching webinar (22nd January 2019)
End of month submission webinar (25th September 2018)
Endorsing Good Practice Guidance: How To Avoid Common Errors (12th June 2018)
Complying with GDPR webinar (April 2018)
Making the most of social media (26th April 2017)
For more information on this topic please email comms.team@cpe.org.uk