Foundation trainee pharmacist training grant

Published on: 12th September 2014 | Updated on: 8th November 2023

The Foundation trainee pharmacist (formerly Pre-Registration) training grant is £18,440 per year.

This can be claimed by completing an electronic registration process on the NHSBSA’s Manage Your Service (MYS) portal.

See screenshots of the MYS module (provided by  NHS England)

You need to register each foundation trainee pharmacist you are making a payment claim for, entering:

  • their name
  • their date of birth
  • their GPhC registration number
  • their training start date
  • their Designated Supervisor’s name
  • their Designated Supervisor’s GPhC registration number

Payments will be made monthly in arrears, with the first payment covering any months between the time the employer applies for the grant and the time the trainee began their training.

If you experience any technical issues with the MYS portal, email

Foundation trainee pharmacist funding from 2025/26

NHS England (NHSE) announced on 7th November 2023 that from 2025/26, to support provision of an equitable offer to all foundation trainee pharmacists, the funding available to all foundation training sites will be harmonised.

The level of funding for each site employing a foundation trainee pharmacist in the 2025/26 training year will be £26,500 per trainee.

This funding will be consistent across all sectors of practice and all regions of England.

In addition, NHSE will provide access to a consistent, funded training offer which will be available to all foundation trainee pharmacists across all sectors and regions.

In the 2025/26 training year, all foundation training sites will also be required to meet the same quality standards, with NHSE taking on new responsibilities, delegated by the General Pharmaceutical Council, for the quality assurance of all foundation training sites.

For more information on the 2025/26 training year, including on funding and FAQs, visit the Implementing the Foundation Pharmacist Training Year 2025/26 page of NHS England’s website, where you can also find a detailed update on the changes coming for the 2025/26 foundation training year, and the preparations that pharmacy owners need to make ahead of this.

Reform of initial education and training of pharmacists

Are you fully up to date with how changes to initial education and training will impact on pharmacist foundation training from 2025/26?

Find out more on NHS England’s Workforce, Training and Education website, including their Summer 2023 update.

For more information on this topic please email

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