NHS statistics

Published on: 11th July 2013 | Updated on: 1st August 2024

If you can’t find what you are looking for or if you would like more information, please contact Community Pharmacy England directly.

Dispensing Statistics Graphs

24 Months Generic Mix

24 Month Average Reimbursement Price

 12 Month Rolling Items Dispensed

Yearly Items Dispensed

Payment Levels


NHS Statistics FAQs

Q. Where can I find information on the prescribing volume of a particular drug?
A. The Prescription Cost Analysis details the prescribing volumes of all drugs dispensed in England in a particular year.

Quick Link to Community Pharmacy Statistics section.

Q. Where can I find the average item value for a given month?
A. Community Pharmacy England produce monthly NHS remuneration statistics, which contain information on the monthly average item value.

Quick Link to Remuneration Statistics section.

Q. Where can I find the cost to the NHS of a particular drug?
A. The Prescription Cost Analysis holds information on the Net Ingredient Cost (NIC) of all drugs dispensed in England. This information is available in the Prescription Cost Analysis as both the average cost of the drug per prescription (NIC/Rx) and the total cost to the NHS.

Quick Link to Community Pharmacy Statistics section.

Q. Where can I find the total cost to the NHS of all prescribed products in a given year?
A. The 10-year bulletin Prescriptions dispensed in the community contains details of the total cost to the NHS of prescribed products in the given period.

Quick Link to Community Pharmacy Statistics section.

Q. Where can I find information on the proportion of products prescribed generically?
A. The 10-year bulletin Prescriptions dispensed in the community contains details on the proportion of products prescribed generically.

Quick Link to Community Pharmacy Statistics section.

Q. Where can I find out how many NHS community pharmacies there are?
A. The General Pharmaceutical Services in England bulletin contains information on the number of NHS community pharmacies in England in a given year.

Quick Link to Community Pharmacy Statistics section.

Q. Where can I find information on the proportion of patients who are exempt from paying the prescription charge?
A. The General Pharmaceutical Services in England bulletin contains details the proportion of patients who are exempt from paying the prescription charge.

Quick Link to Community Pharmacy Statistics section.

Q. Where can I find out where Enhanced Services are being implemented?
A. The General Pharmaceutical Services in England bulletin contains information on the number of local enhanced services provided in England.

Quick Link to Community Pharmacy Statistics section.

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For more information on this topic please email comms.team@cpe.org.uk

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