PSNC Briefing 040/22: Guide to the PSNC (non-CCA) Multiple Pharmacy Contractor Election

Published on: 23rd December 2022 | Updated on: 1st February 2023

PSNC is preparing for the (non-CCA) Multiple elections as the terms of office for PSNC members expire on 31st March 2023. This briefing outlines the election process.

PSNC Briefing 040/22: Guide to the PSNC (non-CCA) Multiple Pharmacy Contractor Election

Pre-vote notice for non-CCA multiples (sent by email to nominated head office contacts on Monday 6th February 2023)

For any queries or questions relating to preparing for the elections or voting, please complete the following form: PSNC elections – Query Form

For more information on this topic please email