Transforming Pharmacy Representation (TAPR) Programme
Published on: 22nd July 2022 | Updated on: 30th July 2024
The Transforming Pharmacy Representation (TAPR) Programme is a work programme aiming to deliver the changes that community pharmacy contractors supported in a contractor vote.
Contractors accepted 21 proposals for Community Pharmacy England, as well as other proposals for LPCs and some joint proposals. Community Pharmacy England is taking forward the changes for it through the TAPR programme, while also supporting LPCs to make changes and engaging with the sector, with the ultimate aim that contractors should have a better relationship with, and more oversight of, stronger national and local negotiators.
What is the TAPR Programme?
The Transforming Pharmacy Representation (TAPR) Programme describes the work that Community Pharmacy England is actioning to implement the series of proposals put forward for Community Pharmacy England by the Pharmacy Representation Review Steering Group (RSG) and then accepted via a contractor vote. Community Pharmacy England is also working with LPCs on the joint proposals, and supporting LPCs with the changes proposed for them.
In keeping with standard industry practice for change management, this is a distinct programme of work which will require significant additional resources (to come from Community Pharmacy England’s reserves).
Latest updates
Community Pharmacy England and LPCs complete representation changes
Community Pharmacy England Strategy Briefing
RSG Recommendation Workstream Mapping and Progress (January 2024)
RSG Recommendation Workstream Mapping and Progress (November 2023)
RSG Recommendation Workstream Mapping and Progress (September 2023)
RSG Recommendation Workstream Mapping and Progress (July 2023)
TAPR Summary Update – March 2023
RSG Recommendation Workstream Mapping and Progress (March 2023)
TAPR Summary Update – November 2022
RSG Recommendation Workstream Mapping and Progress (November 2023)
TAPR Update – How Community Pharmacy England will spend future levies
Previous updates
Nuffield Trust and The King’s Fund to lead on sector vision project
TAPR Summary Update – September 2022
Slide deck from the Transformation Toolkit Explainer Events for LPCs (September 2022)
Programme launch
Following the overwhelmingly positive support for the RSG proposals, Community Pharmacy England produced a summary briefing outlining how it plans to deliver the changes required. This summary briefing also includes information about the work to scope the support needed by LPCs to help them to respond to the RSG proposals.
TAPR Programme Update for Contractors
An overview of the TAPR programme, with information on the objectives, eight workstreams and an early progress report (aimed at contractors).
TAPR Programme Update for LPCs – July 2022
A more detailed version of this update for LPCs which provides additional information about the joint and LPC proposals, and outlines what LPCs can expect to hear from Community Pharmacy England, and when.
Contractors and LPCs can ask any questions they have about this work programme via email.
Community Pharmacy England wants this transformation programme to deliver:
- Stronger negotiating and influencing capacity on behalf of the whole sector;
- Enhanced governance and better decision-making;
- Better use of resources and reduced duplication across LPCs and Community Pharmacy England; and
- Stronger unity across the entire sector.
And it wants contractors to have:
- More accountable representative bodies; and
- A stronger relationship with Community Pharmacy England.
Community Pharmacy England Committee Members discussed the principles that should drive the work programme along with the overarching objectives for the transformation. They also agreed to take forward the programme through eight key workstreams as set out below.
- Vision and Strategy
- Influencing and Negotiation
- Governance
- Finance and Levy
- LPC Support
- Engagement and Joint Working
- Branding and Visual Awareness
- Communications (to support all other Workstreams)
- Autumn 2019: Community Pharmacy England and the LPCs commission a review of representation and support to all community pharmacy contractors to ensure that the best possible service is being provided to the contractor network.
- June 2020: Professor David Wright publishes his recommendations for the future of community pharmacy contractor representation and support.
- Jan – Feb 2021: The Pharmacy Representation Review Steering Group (RSG) is set up and terms of reference published.
- Mar – April 2021: The Berkeley Partnership is appointed to support programme delivery and a programme plan published by the RSG.
- May – June 2021: The RSG engages with the sector on the draft plans, and holds a contractor webinar to present the plan.
- July – Nov 2021: Focus groups are held and an approach agreed for contractor voting, with updates provided at sector conferences.
- Dec 2021 – Feb 2022: Key proposal elements are reviewed at contractor engagement events and Community Pharmacy England Committee meeting, and the RSG agrees the contractor proposal outline.
- April 2022: The RSG publishes its proposals for the future of Community Pharmacy England and LPCs.
- May/June 2022: All contractors in England asked in a single vote to approve (or not) the proposals.
- 22nd June 2022: The RSG announces the results of the contractor vote: contractors representing 68.3% of ODS codes had voted 88.6% in favour of the changes.
For more information on this topic please email