PSNC Briefing 097/13: Market Entry Regulations (September 2013)

Published on: 27th September 2013 | Updated on: 9th June 2022

PLEASE NOTE: This legacy briefing has been migrated across from our previous website

1 April 2013 marked a new era in market entry. Applications for inclusion in a pharmaceutical list are now considered by NHS England (through their Area Teams) and the ‘market entry test’ is now an assessment against the pharmaceutical needs assessment produced by the local authority’s Health and Wellbeing Board (and until they have completed one, the former PCT’s version). The exemptions introduced in 2005 have been removed (other than the exception for distance selling pharmacies) and ‘neighbourhoods’ are no longer relevant for relocations.

LPCs and PSNC are both recognised as representing pharmacy contractors on NHS matters, and these matters are largely set out in the NHS (Pharmaceutical and Local Pharmaceutical Services) Regulations 2013.

More than half of those regulations are taken up with market entry and it is therefore unsurprising that many of the queries LPCs and PSNC receives are related to market entry.

PSNC has held a number of training events for LPCs to help them understand the Market Entry Regulations this year, and we have now also published a briefing to introduce the Regulations, and cover the  most commonly raised points.

Please note: Persons who are not already pharmacy contractors should seek their own legal advice, since PSNC and LPCs are unable to offer support.

PSNC Briefing 097.13 Market Entry Regulations (September 2013)

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