Drug Tariff Watch – December 2023

The Drug Tariff Preface published monthly lists additions, deletions and other changes to products listed in the Drug Tariff. Below is a summary of the changes coming into effect from 1 December 2023.

g Special container – This product is a special container and should be dispensed in its complete original pack size.
n Item requiring reconstitution – This product requires reconstitution; pharmacy teams are advised to endorse the amount of packs supplied to enable the patient to complete the full course of medication prescribed.
§ Selected List Scheme (SLS) – see Part XVIIIB of the Drug Tariff
* This pack only (others already/still available)
BB Product is eligible for Broken Bulk claims where payment is made for a complete pack if a part-pack has been dispensed to match the prescribed quantity and it is unlikely that you will be able to dispense the balance within the following six months.
OOP Product eligible for Out Of Pocket expense claims (over £0.50) where in exceptional circumstances, pharmacy owners incur expenses in obtaining this product (which is not required to be frequently supplied by the pharmacy owner).
DND Product is not subject to discount deduction or ‘clawback’ as it meets either group or individual item criteria for DND (Discount Not Deducted) as set out in Part II of the Drug Tariff.
Part VIIIA Additions

Category C Additions:

  • Aripiprazole 9.75mg/1.3ml solution for injection vials g (1) – Abilify OOP
  • Fluticasone 400microgram/unit dose nasal drops (30 (6xg5)) – Aspire Pharma Ltd OOP
  • Rimegepant 75mg oral lyophilisates sugar free (2) – Vydura DND, BB and OOP
  • Rimegepant 75mg oral lyophilisates sugar free (8) – Vydura DND, BB and OOP
  • Valproic acid 150mg gastro-resistant capsules g (30) – Convulex OOP
  • Valproic acid 300mg gastro-resistant capsules g (30) – Convulex OOP
  • Valproic acid 500mg gastro-resistant capsules g (30) – Convulex OOP

Part VIIIA Amendments

  • Beclometasone 0.025% cream g (30g) Category A has now moved to Category C – Essential Generics Ltd DND and OOP
    Price remains at £71.40
  • Beclometasone 0.025% ointment g (30g) Category A has now moved to Category C – Essential Generics Ltd DND and OOP
    Price remains at £71.40
  • Clobetasol 500microgram / Neomycin 5mg / Nystatin 100,000units/g ointment g (30g) Category A has now moved to Category C – Essential Generics Ltd OOP
    Price increase £100.12 to £ 110.13
  • Ranolazine 375mg modified-release tablets (60) Category C – Ranexa has now moved to Category A
    Price decrease £48.98 to £47.79
  • Ranolazine 500mg modified-release tablets (60) Category C – Ranexa has now moved to Category A
    Price decrease £48.98 to £47.79
  • Ranolazine 750mg modified-release tablets (60) Category C – Ranexa has now moved to Category A
    Price decrease £48.98 to £47.79

Please note price listed here was correct at the time of publishing and is subject to change in line with the price change mechanism.

Part VIIIA Deletions
If all pack sizes of a drug have been removed from Part VIII of the Drug Tariff the drug can continue to be dispensed as long as it does NOT appear in Part XVIIIA (Drugs, Medicines and other substances not to be ordered under a General Medical Services Contract).

Category C Deletions:

  • Amoxicillin 1g dispersible tablets sugar free (6) – Almus Pharmaceuticals Ltd
  • Cetirizine 10mg capsules (7) – Benadryl Allergy Liquid Release
  • Erythromycin ethyl succinate 500mg/5ml oral suspension sugar free n (140ml) – Erythroped Forte
  • Fluticasone 400microgram/unit dose nasal drops (28 (4xg7)) – Flixonase
  • Ibuprofen 100mg/5ml oral suspension 5ml sachets sugar free (16) – Nurofen for Children Singles
  • Levocarnitine 1g/5ml solution for injection ampoules 5 – Carnitor
  • Lidocaine 0.66% / Aminoacridine 0.05% oromucosal gel g (15g) – Medijel
  • Ondansetron 4mg oral lyophilisates sugar free (10) – Zofran Melt
  • Ondansetron 8mg oral lyophilisates sugar free (10) – Zofran Melt
  • Paracetamol 60mg suppositories (10) – Alvedon
  • Triamcinolone hexacetonide 20mg/1ml suspension for injection ampoules (10) – Esteve Pharmaceuticals Ltd

Part II (Drugs for which discount is not deducted (DND)) Deletions

  • Ocaliva 10mg tablets
  • PKU Easy Shake & Go oral powder 34g sachets
  • Tafinlar 75mg capsules

Part IX Deletions

It is important to take careful note of removals from Part IX because if you dispense a deleted product, prescriptions will be returned as disallowed and therefore payment will not be made for dispensing the item.

The following appliances have been deleted from Part IX of the December 2023 Drug Tariff:

Product Additional information (size, product code etc)
APPLIANCES – DRESSINGS – Vapour-permeable Adhesive Film Dressing – Askina Derm All types and sizes
APPLIANCES – DRESSINGS – WOUND MANAGEMENT DRESSINGS – Silver Coated Barrier Dressings – Sterile – Askina Calgitrol Ag – Square  15cm x 15cm
APPLIANCES – DRESSINGS – WOUND MANAGEMENT DRESSINGS – Soft Silicone Wound Contact Dressing – Sterile – Askina SilNet  20cm x 30cm
APPLIANCES – EMOLLIENT AND BARRIER PREPARATIONS – Preparations containing Sodium Hyaluronate – Atopiclair Lotion 120ml
APPLIANCES – HYPODERMIC EQUIPMENT – OneTouch Comfort (LifeScan UK) 0.20mm/33 gauge, 200
APPLIANCES – IRRIGATION SOLUTIONS – Sodium Chloride 0.9% Irrigation Solution – Sterile – Irriclens Aerosol (ConvaTec Ltd) Aerosol 1 x 240ml

To view appliances due to be deleted from Part IX of the January, February and March 2024 Drug Tariffs visit our page Drug Tariff Appliance Watch: Notice of Deletion

To view the latest changes to special container status, visit our page Notice of changes to special container status of products page.

To view all the monthly changes to the DND status of products, visit our page Notice of changes to discount not deducted (DND) status of products.

To view previous Drug Tariff Watch months visit our page here.

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