Evaluation of the QPS and PQS – one month left to share your views

Contractors (including head office staff) and community pharmacists have one month left to participate in an interview to share their views on the Quality Payments Scheme (QPS) (the previous name for the Pharmacy Quality Scheme (PQS)) and the PQS.

ICF (an independent research consultancy) and the University of Manchester are carrying out the evaluation. The evaluation is funded by, but is independent of, NHS England.

The research team carrying out the evaluation are very keen to hear from frontline community pharmacists and employees of large and medium-sized multiples in particular.

The team would also like to hear from contractors who have decided to no longer participate in PQS.

The project aims to evaluate the impact of the QPS and PQS between 2017-2021 on the quality and integration of community pharmacy services and patient outcomes, and the sustainability of these changes.

Interviews are likely to take 45-60 minutes. If you would like to participate or would like further information, please email PQSevaluation@icf.com. Please include information about how much experience you have with the QPS/PQS, and information about the location (region) of your pharmacy/employer.

Contractors will be remunerated for their or employees’ time at standard rates.


Your responses will build essential evidence, strengthening our call for greater support and funding for community pharmacies. Complete the survey today.

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