Free prescriptions for over 60s

Pharmacy press

Ministers have announced that all those aged 60 and over will remain eligible for exemption from the NHS prescription charge. This is the Government’s official response to a 2021 public consultation that recommended raising the free prescription threshold to meet the state pension age at age 66.

Read the consultation outcome in full

Chief Executive Janet Morrison said:

“We welcome the Government’s decision to keep NHS prescriptions free for all people aged 60 and over in England. However, whilst this is a positive, we don’t believe prescription charges are fair for any patients and they should be abolished altogether. Having to pay for prescriptions often affects the most vulnerable people in our communities. The sad truth is that many people – whatever their age – are left having to make unbearable decisions about which medicines they can afford to pay for. Prescriptions are free of charge in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland so why not in England also?”

Read more in our news story

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