Have you completed the DMS DoC?
Pharmacists and pharmacy technicians are reminded that they must complete the Discharge Medicines Service (DMS) Declaration of Competence (DoC) before providing DMS, which became an Essential service earlier this year.
Even if pharmacies are not yet receiving referrals from hospitals, community pharmacy contractors should be ready to provide the service, which includes ensuring staff have completed the relevant training and are competent to offer the service.
As a minimum, pharmacists and pharmacy technicians who will provide the service should:
- Read the section on DMS within the NHS England and NHS Improvement guidance on the regulations; and
- Read the DMS toolkit.
Additionally, it is recommended that they also complete the Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education NHS Discharge Medicines Service eLearning and assessment.
Once a pharmacist or pharmacy technician has undertaken appropriate learning related to the service, they must complete the DMS DoC and provide a copy of this to the contractor. Pharmacists and pharmacy technicians should also update their CPPE learning record (step 5 on the DMS DoC process) to confirm that they have signed their statement of declaration.