Have you received your quit smoking campaign materials?
Community pharmacy contractors should have received their campaign materials via Yodel between 24th-28th February 2022 for the quit smoking health campaign, which is the last mandated campaign agreed for 2021/2022 by NHS England and NHS Improvement and PSNC.
If contractors have not received their campaign materials by today, they should email partnerships@phe.gov.uk with ‘Quit Smoking Pharmacy Packs’ in the subject line and their pharmacy name and full address in the email.
Community pharmacy contractors must participate in the campaign from 28th February 2022 (or as soon as contractors receive their campaign materials if they arrive after this date), and the campaign should run until 31st March 2022.
The resource packs will include a briefing sheet to support community pharmacy teams’ conversations with patients and materials, which must be displayed in the pharmacy. Contractors are also encouraged to use the social media and digital resources that are available for this campaign. These additional resources will be available on the campaign resource centre website.
Contractors will not be required to record the number of people to whom information is provided or any additional information for the quit smoking campaign.