HEE want your help to plan pharmacist IP training

Health Education England (HEE) is inviting community pharmacy contractors to a meeting to discuss training of pharmacists to become Independent Prescribers (IP).

Working with NHS England and NHS Improvement, HEE previously supported a first phase of IP training for community pharmacists from January to March 2022 and is working to secure a further rounded of funded training from Autumn 2022.

The online meeting will help inform future independent prescriber training offers by ensuring it is aligned with the needs of the pharmacy workforce. During the session, contractors will have the chance to discuss key challenges and be given information about funding and timelines from the team at HEE.

The event will take place on Thursday 10th March, from 6-8pm. Contractors can register to attend by completing this short form.

Register now for the 7th May event to discuss our work and progress in key areas, as well as sharing views on the issues that matter to you.

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