January 2023 Category M prices announced

The Drug Tariff Category M pricelist for January 2023 has been published on the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) website.

The January Category M prices reflect an increase in reimbursement levels of approximately £28m per quarter. This is the net effect of 2 elements;

  • A significant adjustment in Category M prices in recognition of the price rises that have been seen in the market over the last several months
  • A minor margin adjustment, agreed by PSNC based on our latest analysis of margin delivery and on current projections for 2022/23

Also to note is that the uplift to prices introduced in the December Category M price list, as part of the agreed write off of £100m of excess margin negotiated by PSNC as part of the CPCF arrangements for 2022/23 and 2023/24, remains in place.

Learn more about how the plan is being developed, discover opportunities to have your say, and hear how Community Pharmacy England is responding on behalf of the sector.

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