Jeremy Hunt signs petition against pharmacy closure

Pharmacy press

The potential closure of a pharmacy in Surrey has led locals to launch a petition to save it, and one of the signatories is the Chancellor Jeremy Hunt.

Read more in SurreyLive

We were asked to comment.

Our Chief Executive Janet Morrison said:

“Pharmacies of all shapes and sizes across the country are facing tough decisions about their financial viability and it is always moving to hear stories of just how important they are to their local communities and the patients who rely upon them.  As larger chains announce closures and consolidations to support the rest of their portfolio, smaller and medium-sized businesses are having to look at other options in the struggle to make ends meet: running a community pharmacy remains, for most, a battle for survival.

A show of support from the Chancellor provides a glimmer of hope as we continue to press the Government to provide sustainable funding to protect this vital healthcare network and enable pharmacies to be part of the solution to some of the wider primary care issues they need to tackle.  Government and the NHS must take action to reverse the damage that their historic funding cuts are causing.”

Your responses will build essential evidence, strengthening our call for greater support and funding for community pharmacies. Complete the survey today.

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