Market Entry Applications – 10 Key Points Guidance

We are continuing to liaise with NHS England (which can provide advice to ICBs on market entry issues) and PCSE to try to help reduce the overall timescales for the determination of applications.

We have produced a guidance document with 10 key points to support applicants and their referees with their market entry applications.

We also want to remind applicants, that are struggling to resolve issues with PCSE and the delays with their application are lengthy, to contact the Regulations Team by email at

We’ll need some basic information on your application, for example, the CAS reference number allocated by PCSE and where it has got to in the process. We will seek to liaise with PCSE and the ICB on your behalf to identify and, if possible, help to resolve the issue that is delaying determination. We may also involve your LPC.

See our previous news item for further information about the delays.