More time to take part in Advice Audit


PSNC is extending the participation period for the 2022 Pharmacy Advice Audit by three weeks.

Whilst there has been an encouraging submission rate so far (c. 2,000 pharmacies), we would like to double this figure over the next few weeks to ensure that the audit results have as much impact as they can.

Recognising how busy everyone in community pharmacy is at the moment, we have therefore decided to extend the deadline to Friday 11th March 2022 to make sure no pharmacy misses out on the chance to submit their data.

Your pharmacy team’s involvement will provide critical evidence for use in PSNC’s funding discussions with HM Government and the NHS, as well as helping build support for the sector through charities, politicians and the national press.

We need as many pharmacy teams as possible to take part and this is your chance to have a direct impact on the case being made for community pharmacy.

PSNC Director of Pharmacy Funding, Mike Dent, said:

“We are really grateful to the thousands of pharmacy teams who have already found the time to take part in this year’s Advice Audit, but we do now need to hear from many more pharmacies to give our data as much power as we can. The results of previous audits have been incredibly valuable in negotiations and wider discussions, and this has never been more important as we push for Government to fund pharmacies for the support they give to ‘walk-in’ patients. The response rates for the first two audits were phenomenal and we are very keen to match that this year: the more pharmacies who join in, the better, and we hope to hear from many more of you over this newly extended audit period.”

Watch our video on the importance of the audit
PSNC’s Director of Pharmacy Funding, Mike Dent, describes the importance of the audit in gathering data for negotiations and campaigning work in recent a video update.

What we need you to do

The audit can be completed by most pharmacy teams over a single day. To do so successfully, pharmacy teams will need to:

  1. Record patient/customer interactions where advice was given by either a non-pharmacist team member and/or a pharmacist.
  2. Carry this out for at least one day, recording all consultations. (To be a valid audit, each pharmacy needs to achieve at least 20 consultations, therefore a small number will need to continue for a second day.)
  3. Estimate the percentage of consultations that were recorded during that time period (this is to recognise that some consultations may be missed).
  4. (Optional) Rate your confidence in the advice given to help identify areas for improvement to reflect on post-audit.
  5. Enter the data on PharmOutcomes. (If a contractor has not used PharmOutcomes before, log in details can be obtained by sending a message to the PharmOutcomes helpdesk.)

All the information and resources that you will need can be found at:

Register now for the 7th May event to discuss our work and progress in key areas, as well as sharing views on the issues that matter to you.

Click Here