NHS Profile Manager to replace DoS Updater and NHS website editor in 2022

Currently, community pharmacy contractors use two different NHS systems to ensure their pharmacy details are up to date in the NHS 111 Directory of Services (DoS) and on the NHS website: the NHS website profile editor and the DoS profile updater. These will shortly be replaced by a new tool, called NHS Profile Manager, which is due for release in 2022.

In our discussions with the NHS, PSNC has long requested that these tools be merged to prevent contractors from having to enter the same data twice. The NHS Profile Manager tool development is being led by NHSX and NHS Digital, with input from NHS England and NHS Improvement, and PSNC.

Contractor actions ahead of the change

To improve information security, the new NHS Profile Manager tool will require contractors and their staff to use NHSmail email accounts as a login identifier, rather than other non-NHSmail email addresses.

During November 2021, NHS Digital will email NHS website profile editors who do not yet have an NHSmail email address recorded in their profile editor account. This email will explain how they can update their login details to include an NHSmail address.

Future updates

PSNC will provide further updates to contractors ahead of the launch date.

Further information, FAQs and user research opportunities

NHS Profile Manager



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