NHSBSA guidance for pharmacy teams on patient exemption checking
Following the lifting of the temporary suspension of signatures on prescription forms and tokens on 1 September 2021, the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) have issued the following guidance on exemption checking to aid pharmacy teams.
From 1 September 2021, patients, or their representatives, will again be required to sign the reverse of NHS prescription forms or tokens for prescriptions presented at the pharmacy.
For pharmacy teams, any time a patient makes a declaration that they are exempt from paying for NHS prescriptions and treatment, you must:
- ask to see evidence of their eligibility
- ask them to sign the declaration box on the paper FP10/Token
- specify the correct exemption category and indicate whether evidence was seen when submitting an EPS claim
- note on your point of care system if the patient shows a valid exemption certificate, along with the expiry date of the certificate.
NHSBSA have also produced guidance and a communications toolkit to help you understand your legislative requirements, follow the correct procedure, and provide support to patients.
Patient exemption checking: a guide for pharmacy teams in England
Patient exemption checking: a communications toolkit for pharmacy teams in England
See the PSNC’s Exemptions from the prescription charge for further guidance.