Our response to the vision report in national press

The Times, The Independent, Evening Standard, Daily Mail, The Telegraph

In response to the Nuffield Trust and The King’s Fund’s publication of ‘A Vision for Community Pharmacy’ (a report we commissioned), we shared the following statement with national media.

Chief Executive Janet Morrison said:

“Community pharmacies are critical to the health of the nation but there is still more that they could do for patients and the public with the right support in place. We welcome this report from Nuffield Trust and The King’s Fund setting out what that future could look like. They rightly recognise that to achieve their vision, we must ease ongoing pressures on pharmacies and properly embed them within wider healthcare systems. At Community Pharmacy England we support this direction of travel. We want to empower pharmacies to reach their maximum potential, offering the full range of clinical services within their expanding skillset and becoming the true health and wellbeing hubs that local communities need.

The pharmacies of tomorrow will have so much more to offer whether that is providing tests for lifestyle factors, help for people living with a long-term condition, or being a one-stop shop for a range of minor health conditions. The NHS of the future will need to look very different to the health systems of today which are creaking under pressure. In community pharmacies our health service has a possible lifeline – their teams have the training and skills to do more to help, ensuring patients can receive a wider range of the highest-quality care from this front door of the NHS, and in doing so easing pressure on other parts of the health service. But to do all this, pharmacies will need a rescue of their own in the form of sustainable investment and help with the impossible pressures they are currently facing.

We need to see more ambitious and joined-up commissioning of pharmacy services, with pharmacies funded fairly and put at the heart of our new local healthcare systems. Failure is simply not an option when it comes to delivering this vision to safeguard our community pharmacies.”


Pharmacies ‘should treat asthma and blood pressure’ | The Times

Expand pharmacy capabilities to ease pressure on GPs, think tanks say | The Independent

Expand pharmacy capabilities to ease pressure on GPs, thinktanks say | Evening Standard

Expand pharmacy capabilities to ease pressure on GPs | Daily Mail Online

What a pharmacist can treat – and when to go to your doctor |Telegraph

Pharmacies should expand capabilities to ease GP pressure | National World

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