Pharmacy Collect: SureScreen and MYS claiming


Community pharmacy contractors who are ordering lateral flow device (LFD) test kits will start to receive a different brand of test kits (SureScreen) from Alliance Healthcare.

Product: DHSC SURESCREEN TEST KITS  PIP: 8945040 (56 packs of 7 tests per carton)

A carton (outer) of the SureScreen test kits will contain 56 individual boxes of 7 test kits.

The main differences to note are that the SureScreen test kits:

  • are for shallow nasal swab only (only needs 1.5cm insertion into the nostril);
  • contain sachets to decant (like Innova), not pre-filled vials;
  • contain swabs that, when processing the sample, need to be broken to leave the swab head in the tube; and
  • provide a test result within 10 minutes instead of 15-30 minutes – the test should not be left to develop for longer than 20 minutes as may develop a false reading and will therefore need to be repeated.

It is therefore important to continue to advise patients to follow the instructions on how to use the tests kits contained within the box.

MYS Claiming

It has been highlighted, following contractor feedback, that the lot numbers on the SureScreen lateral flow device test kits are between 10 and 12 characters long.

As entries onto the Manage Your Service (MYS) application require an eight-character lot number, contractors are advised to omit the ‘COVN’ and ‘OM’ characters where these appear and simply input the numbers as the lot number to submit their data.