PQS: Issue with the MYS declaration

PSNC has today been alerted by contractors that there is an issue with the NHS Business Services Authority’s Pharmacy Quality Scheme (PQS) MYS declaration.

For Domain 1, contractors are not able to enter a start and end date earlier than 2022 for the audit dates (please see the screenshot to the right); however, pharmacy teams were able to start the audit from 1st September 2021 when the Pharmacy Quality Scheme 2021/22 began, therefore this date restriction is incorrect.

There is a similar issue in Domain 5, as contractors cannot enter dates for the antibiotic review earlier than 2022.

We raised the issue with the MYS team earlier today and they have identified the technical issue and identified a fix. The fix will be implemented by 9am on Saturday 5th February 2022, with the portal being unavailable between 7am and 9am, while it is being applied.

Therefore, if contractors started or completed their audit and/or antibiotic review in 2021, they will not be able to complete Domains 1 and 5 until after 9am on Saturday. Contractors are still able to complete the Gateway questions and the questions for Domain 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 and save these but they will need to go back into the declaration after 9am on Saturday to complete Domains 1 and 5 and submit their declaration.


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