PQS: Publication of further details on the 2022/23 Scheme


Further details on the Pharmacy Quality Scheme (PQS) 2022/23 have today been published on the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) website.

The details have been published as a separate Determination; they will be included in the Drug Tariff from November 2022.

The PSNC PQS hub page has been updated to reflect the additional information that has now been published on the Scheme and additional resources and FAQs to support contractors will continue to be added to the hub page.

NHS England is due to publish their PQS guidance shortly;* PSNC will alert contractors through their normal communication channels when this is available.

*Since the publication of this story, NHS England has published their PQS guidance.

Priority points to note in the PQS Drug Tariff Determination  

Aspiration payment

The aspiration payment window opens at 9am on Monday (10th October 2022) and closes at 11.59pm on 4th November 2022.

Contractors are encouraged to review the Drug Tariff wording soon to decide which domains they want to work towards meeting by 31st March 2023, and therefore be in a position to claim their Aspiration payment (this is optional for contractors and not claiming it will not impact on the contractor’s ability to claim payment for PQS 2022/23).

Contractors who claim for an Aspiration payment within the above time period will be paid this on 1st December 2022.

Respiratory Domain – Criteria that start on 10th October 2022

The following criteria included in the Respiratory Domain require contractors to start working towards them from Monday (10th October 2022) and continue with this until the day of declaration (between 9am on Monday 6th February 2023 and 11.59pm on 3rd March 2023):

  • Inhaler waste management;
  • Use of a spacer in patients aged 5-15 years; and
  • Personalised asthma action plans.

Most pharmacy teams will be very familiar with these requirements, as they have been included in previous schemes. Several resources are available to support contractors with meeting the above criteria and more will be available soon on the PQS hub page.