PQS: Updated data on NHS DWMP referrals

The NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) has updated its spreadsheet showing which community pharmacy contractors have made a referral to the NHS Digital Weight Management Programme (DWMP) as part of the Pharmacy Quality Scheme (PQS) 2022/23.

To gain the maximum number of points and to meet the Referral stage of the Healthy living support domain, a pharmacy must have referred at least four patients (who meet the criteria for referral) to either a Local Authority funded tier 2 weight management service or the NHS DWMP between 10th October 2022 and  end of 31st March 2023.

The data published only includes referrals made to the NHS DWMP (this does not include referrals to Local Authority funded tier 2 weight management services) and the data is accurate as of 23rd March 2023.

View the NHS DWMP data (scroll down to the Weight Management Referrals section to see the link to the Excel spreadsheet)


Q. If I make someone aware/signpost them to a Local Authority funded tier 2 weight management service or the NHS DWMP, or provide them with information on these services, does this count as a referral?
No, this would not count as a referral for the 2022/23 PQS.

Q. Can NHSBSA publish data to show how many referrals have been made to Local Authority funded tier 2 weight management services?
No, since this data is held locally, this is not data that NHSBSA has access to.

Q. Do I need to make at least four referrals to BOTH a Local Authority funded tier 2 weight management service and the NHS DWMP to meet the referral aspect of the domain?
No. Pharmacy teams are required to make at least four referrals to either a Local Authority funded tier 2 weight management service or the NHS DWMP. As long as a minimum of four referrals have been made, the contractor has met the referral aspect of the domain.

Further information on the Healthy living support domain and resources on the NHS DWMP can be found on the PSNC PQS hub page.

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