Provide feedback on training plans for Foundation Trainee Pharmacists

NHS England’s Workforce, Training and Education Directorate, are seeking experienced designated supervisors of Foundation Pharmacist Trainees to help develop the National Training Provision Specification for the 2025/26 Foundation Trainee Pharmacists Programme.

Two stakeholder engagement events are planned for Thursday 23rd November 10.30am – 12pm and Tuesday 28th November 7.30pm – 9pmwhere participants will be able to share their thoughts and experience regarding the implementation of the learning outcomes (which include prescribing) within the GPhC Standards for Initial Education and Training of Pharmacists to help shape future training.

If you are interested in attending one of the events, please send email, including the date of the event you would like to attend. 

Your responses will build essential evidence, strengthening our call for greater support and funding for community pharmacies. Complete the survey today.

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