Retrospective price adjustment for Isocarboxazid 10mg tablets claimed in May and June 2021

The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) have granted a retrospective concessionary price for Isocarboxazid 10mg tablets for the months of May and June 2021.

Contractors who claimed payment for Isocarboxazid 10mg tablets in May and June 2021 will have their reimbursement adjusted to £249.10 based on the Drug Tariff listed pack size of 56. This means contractors will see an additional payment of £31.35 (for every pack of 56 claimed) in their next Schedule of Payments due on the 21 December 2021, with payment being made on the 31 December.

PSNC sought a pricing adjustment for Isocarboxazid 10mg tablets as the product did not fulfil Category A criteria in the May and June 2021 Drug Tariffs. For the month of July 2021, a price concession was granted for Isocarboxazid 10mg tablets (56) at £249.10 and in August 2021 the product was moved to Category C based on Alliance Pharmaceuticals Ltd list price £249.10.