Services Database Alcohol Identification and Brief Advice (Alcohol IBA) Service (Wakefield Area)
Service ID
The Pharmacy Alcohol IBA Service aims to improve access to alcohol advice and brief intervention, provide earlier assessment and intervention for at-risk drinking, reduce alcohol related illness, increase timely referral, and have a positive community impact. The service will identify higher-risk and increasing-risk drinking and provide brief interventions to motivate individuals to take positive action and help them modify their drinking patterns.
The pharmacy intervention will be for adults over 16 years and will include:
- patient Engagement;
- initial Screening;
- AUDIT (Full Identification Screen);
- brief Advice; and
- referral to specialist services if necessary.
Location of service
West Yorkshire LPC
Local Authority (LA)
Method of commissioning
Source of funding
Local Authority (LA)
Service type
Alcohol screening & brief intervention
Other organisations involved
Start date: 01/10/2016
End date:
- Successful completion of the Alcohol Learning Centre (ALC) Intervention and Brief Advice training for community pharmacy open learning programme and its associated assessment (available via from:
- Pharmacists and technicians have the option to complete the Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education (CPPE) open learning programme Alcohol misuse: support and advice from the pharmacy team Open Learning Programme (10 hours) as an alternative to the ALC IBA elearning.
This service is available in the Wakefield area only.