LFD Service – FAQs

Published on: 16th October 2023 | Updated on: 8th January 2024

This page contains the answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the Lateral flow device tests supply service for patients potentially eligible for COVID-19 treatments (LFD service).

Click on a heading below for more information.

Preparing to provide the service and sign-up

Q. Is provision of the service mandatory?
No. This is an Advanced service, so pharmacy owners are free to choose if they wish to provide the service.

Q. How do pharmacy owners sign up to the LFD service?
Pharmacy owners will be able to sign up to provide the service by completing the LFD service declaration on the NHS Business Services Authority’s (NHSBSA) Manage Your Service (MYS) portal.

Supply of tests kits to the pharmacy

Q. How do I order test kits for the service?
Pharmacy owners should order LFD test kits through their normal wholesalers.

Eligible patients

Q. Who is eligible to receive free LFD test kits?
The full list of eligible patients aged 12 and over that are at risk of getting seriously ill from COVID-19 and therefore potentially eligible for COVID-19 treatments (and hence are eligible to receive free LFD test kits) can be found in NICE guidelines Supporting information on risk factors for progression to severe COVID-19.

Q. Are children eligible to access the service?
Children aged 12 and over who have risk factors for progression to severe COVID-19 (as detailed in NICE guidelines Supporting information on risk factors for progression to severe COVID-19) are eligible to access the service.

Q. How do I know if someone is eligible for free LFD test kits?
Pharmacy teams are required to confirm the patient’s eligibility for a supply of an LFD test kit. This could be by:

  • Seeing the patient’s NHS letter which confirms eligibility;
  • Having a discussion with the patient or their representative about the patient’s medical history, confirming they have a qualifying condition. The pharmacist or pharmacy technician may wish to review the pharmacy’s PMR or the National Care Records Service (NCRS) and then use their clinical judgement; or
  • Referring to the pharmacy’s clinical records for the service, where the pharmacy has previously seen and made a record of having seen a copy of the patient’s NHS letter confirming eligibility.

The pharmacy team should satisfy themselves that the patient is eligible, i.e. has at least one risk factor for progression to severe COVID-19 as set out in the NICE guidelines.

Q. Can a patient use the LFD service if they are not registered with a GP practice?
If the patient is a permanent resident in England, then they can access the service even if they are not registered with a GP practice.

Q. Can a patient who lives in one of the other home countries, for example, Wales or Scotland, access the LFD service at a pharmacy in England?
If the patient lives in one of the other home countries but is registered with a GP practice in England they can access the LFD service. In addition, if an eligible patient from one of the other home countries is a temporary resident in England, for example, if they are on holiday in England, who has active symptoms of COVID-19 and therefore has immediate healthcare need, they can also access the service. A friend or relative should collect the LFD tests on behalf of the patient.

The pharmacy should therefore ensure that when collecting the patient information, that the patient is either permanently residing in England, or is a UK citizen, who is a temporarily resident in England, with active symptoms of COVID-19.

Q. Can patients who do not reside in the UK such as temporary visitors or tourists, access the LFD service?
Any (non-UK) overseas visitors including those on holiday that have immediate healthcare needs should be directed to a relevant NHS service to assess their presenting symptoms/illness. They would not be eligible for the LFD service.

Providing the service

Q. Which members of staff can provide the service?
All appropriately trained members of staff can provide the service. However, pharmacy staff may need to consult with the pharmacist or pharmacy technician  if the patient/patient representative does not present with a letter confirming eligibility, as access to the NCRS may be needed to confirm eligibility.

Q. The service specification indicates pharmacy owners can hand out one box of five tests per transaction per patient. Does the pharmacist have any discretion to authorise the supply of more than one box per patient per transaction?
No. The maximum number that can be provided in a single transaction is one box of five tests.

Q. If I supply two boxes of test kits to a person requesting kits for two eligible people, do I get paid two consultation fees?
Yes, a fee is paid for each supply of LFD tests to a patient so on this occasion the pharmacy owner would be eligible to claim two consultation fees.

Q. A request is made for just one test. Can we split the boxes of five tests?
No. The minimum quantity that can be supplied is one box of five tests.

Q. A person requesting test kits does not have a letter advising that they are eligible to receive free LFD tests. Can we make a supply?
Pharmacy teams are required to confirm the patient’s eligibility for a supply of an LFD test kit. If the patient does not have a letter there are other ways to confirm eligibility such as:

  • Having a discussion with the patient or their representative about the patient’s medical history, confirming they have a qualifying condition. The pharmacist or pharmacy technician may wish to review the pharmacy’s PMR or the National Care Records Service (NCRS) and then use their clinical judgement; or
  • Referring to the pharmacy’s clinical records for the service, where the pharmacy has previously seen and made a record of having seen a copy of the patient’s NHS letter confirming eligibility

Q. Can I make supplies to a person under the age of 16 years?
Where the person collecting supplies is under 16, the pharmacist or pharmacy technician can make a professional judgement as to whether the supply is appropriate and whether the person collecting the test kits is competent to understand the information provided.

Q. Can the pharmacy team administer a test to a person who has collected a test kit, if they are having trouble using the test kit?
No. The service is only for the distribution of kits. Tests must be conducted away from the pharmacy.

Q. Can pharmacy owners deliver test kits to people requesting them if they cannot visit the pharmacy?
The service is focused on people or their representative collecting test kits from their local community pharmacy. People who wish to have test kits delivered to their home could consider using the NHS and Care Volunteers Responders who may be able to assist. However, home delivery is not precluded by the service specification, as long as all the other requirements of the service are fulfilled.

Q. Can we provide the LFD service from an off-site location, e.g. if we’re providing a COVID-19 vaccination service at a designated vaccination site?
No. The provision of the service can only be undertaken from the pharmacy premises.

Q. What should I do if a patient comes in but I have no stock of LFD test kits?
If there is no stock of LFD test kits, the pharmacy team must liaise with a neighbouring pharmacy who has stock to support the patient/patient representative to obtain a box of LFD test kits.

Q. Am I required to keep a record when I supply a patient/patient representative with an LFD test kit?
Yes. The pharmacy owner must maintain the following records of the supply of an LFD test kit and it must also be recorded on the NHSBSA’s MYS portal:

  • Patient’s NHS number (if available);
  • Patient full name;
  • Patient date of birth;
  • Patient address;
  • Confirmation of eligibility, i.e. patient letter seen / clinical history assessment against eligibility criteria;
  • Confirmation 1 box of 5 LFD tests supplied;
  • Date of supply;
  • The batch/lot number of LFD tests supplied.

If the LFD test kit is being requested on behalf of someone else, the following additional information must be recorded in the pharmacy owner’s records and also recorded on the MYS portal:

  • Patient representative full name;
  • Patient representative address.

Q. Do I need to notify the patient’s GP practice that I have supplied the patient/patient representative with an LFD test kit?

Q. What should I do if a patient requests an LFD test kit, but they are not eligible under the Advanced Service?
If a patient is not eligible for a free supply of an LFD test kit, the pharmacy team can offer to sell the patient an LFD test kit.

Q. Can a patient who lives in one of the other home countries, for example, Wales or Scotland, access the Advanced service in England?
Patients must be registered with a GP practice in England or live in England and have a GP practice in one of the other home countries to access the service.

Q. How do I withdraw from the service?
If a pharmacy owner wishes to stop providing the service, they must notify NHS England that they are no longer going to provide the service via the MYS platform, giving at least 30 days’ notice prior to cessation of the service. Pharmacy owners may be asked for a reason as to why they wish to stop providing the service.

Q. Is there a website/resource that I can direct patients to if they have an immune system which means they are at higher risk of serious illness from COVID-19 and want further information on this topic?
GOV.UK has guidance on their website for people whose immune system means they are at higher risk of serious illness from COVID-19.

Q. Do patients need a code to collect a supply of LFD tests?
No. A 16-digit collect code was required for the previous COVID-19 Lateral Flow Device Distribution Service that was decommissioned on 31st March 2022. However, this is not a requirement for the current LFD service.


Q. How is the payment for an LFD test kit (containing 5 LFD tests) determined?
The price for an LFD test kit will be calculated each month using an average of the list prices for one box of 5 LFD tests supplied by three full line wholesalers (AAH Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Alliance Healthcare (Distribution) Ltd and Phoenix Healthcare Distribution Ltd), on or before the 8th of the previous month. An allowance at the applicable VAT rate will also be paid.

 Q. Is the payment for LFD test kits subject to any discount deduction?
No discount deduction will apply to payment for LFD test kits.

Q. Can any out of pocket expenses be claimed for obtaining LFD test kits?

Q. What should I do if I am unable to purchase an LFD test kit or below the published Drug Tariff price?
After checking with multiple wholesalers, if you are unable to source one box of 5 LFD tests at or below the price listed in the Drug Tariff, we may request a review of the payment price.

The review requires pharmacy owners to report any issues with the supply, ordering and pricing of the tests to Community Pharmacy England. To support the handling of the review, pharmacy owners may be required to submit evidence of any difficulties experienced including issues with pricing or supply.

Any claims and supporting evidence will then be referred by us to the Department of Health and Social Care for review. Following this process, we will publish details of any revised payment price and the month(s) in which it will apply.

Please report any pricing issues using our reporting form.

Q. How will payments for LFD test kits appear on my Schedule of Payments?
Payments for the LFD service will appear under the following expense head names on your Schedule of Payments:

  • LFD Eligible Patient Service Fee (+VAT)
  • LFD Eligible Patient Test Cost (an allowance at the applicable VAT rate will also be paid)

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