Services Database Community Pharmacy BP Plus Programme (Surrey Heartlands Area)

Service ID



The service aims to increase the number of opportunities for patients to have their blood pressure and pulse rhythm checked in community pharmacies. It has two main elements:

  1. checks for certain stroke and CVD risk factors (raised blood pressure and pulse rhythm) and appropriate onward referral; and
  2. community pharmacies offering blood pressure BP Plus to manage patients referred or signposted from any community pharmacy and voluntary organisation

It is expected that participating pharmacies will already be accredited to Level 1 Healthy Living Pharmacy. Depending on the results of the BP+, the healthcare professional/pharmacist will advise the appropriate action(s) from the following options:

  • referral/signposting or advice about healthy life style management
  • depending on the results, encourage the patient to home monitor BP results for a month and bring it back to discuss with the pharmacist
  • referred for a full NHS Health Check

Location of service

Surrey LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Source of funding

Local Authority (LA)

Service type


Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




Any pharmacist or pharmacy staff member providing the service should have received face to face training from Surrey Heartlands ICS team and declare their Competence on Pharmoutcomes.
