Services Database Getting Inhalers Right – GM Pharmacy Asthma Support in Schools Project (Across the Greater Manchester Area – 2 LPCs Involved)

Service ID



The Greater Manchester Area Team is recruiting pharmacists from across the Greater Manchester area to participate in this project. Therefore, the following LPCs may have pharmacy contractors involved in the project:

  • Bolton LPC
  • Greater Manchester LPC

The service has only been added onto the Services Database under this entry to avoid duplication.

The aim of this project is to show a measurable improvement in the inhaler technique, adherence, and associated health outcomes, of CYP with asthma in primary and secondary school settings.

This project is planned to run separately but concurrently in ten primary and ten secondary schools selected across GM to support a group of children and young people (CYP) prescribed inhalers for asthma, and their parents/carers between mid-April and early July 2015. It is also an opportunity for school staff to find out more about inhaler use and asthma warning signs. Two workshops, 6-8 weeks apart, will be offered in each school for each group of Years 4-5 (primary) or Years 9-10 (secondary) pupils. Good inhaler technique should contribute to CYP obtaining more benefit from their inhaler(s) and subsequently demonstrating measurable improvement in asthma control and health outcomes/quality of life over that period.

Location of service

Bolton LPC


Method of commissioning

Source of funding

Service type


Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




Attendance at a one day training session.
