Services Database Head Lice Service (Leeds North Area)
Service ID
The pharmacy will provide evidence-based advice and support to people on the management of head lice, including, where necessary, the supply of combs to detect head lice and medication for the treatment of head lice.
The service is available without charge to any patient registered with a GP practice in the Leeds North CCG area who are exempt from prescription charges. Patients who are not exempt will have to pay a prescription charge per treatment or offered purchase of OTC treatment. Those not registered with a GP or registered with a GP from outside of the Leeds North CCG area should be offered purchase of OTC head lice treatment or referred to their own GP.
Please note, this service has been decommissioned.
Location of service
West Yorkshire LPC
Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
Method of commissioning
Source of funding
Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
Service type
Head lice
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
The Head Lice service is to be provided by a pharmacist or registered technician who can meet the competencies and underpinning knowledge listed in the Service Specification. The pharmacist must ensure the registered technician can meet the competencies listed before they provide the service. Many of the competencies will be addressed by reading the Head Lice Service Guide which incorporates the Leeds Community Healthcare head lice guidance.
All pharmacy staff must have relevant knowledge, receive appropriate training and be aware of the service and how it operates to ensure the pharmacy offers a user-friendly, non-judgemental service.
This service is available in the Leeds North area.