Services Database Health Screening and Intervention in Serious Mental Illness (2 LPC Areas)

Service ID



This service is available across two LPC areas:

  1. Coventry LPC; and
  2. Warwickshire LPC

It has been added to the Community Pharmacy England Services Database as a single entry to avoid duplication.

This service will promote healthy lifestyles and medicine adherence among people with a serious mental illness (SMI) to support earlier diagnosis or prevention of physical health conditions in those patients.

Appropriately trained pharmacy staff will carry out the intervention and discuss the increased physical health risks and the importance of good physical health.
The Health Champions or trained member of the pharmacy team will ensure that all mandatory health campaigns are fully supported with well maintained health information zones and provide brief opportunistic advice.
Other responsibilities include:

  • General raising awareness through displaying materials, putting information in prescription bags to promote the SMI Health Check Service;
  • Data entry of advice & intervention provided to include health indicators recorded (e.g. smoking status, alcohol consumption, blood pressure, body mass index, healthy lifestyle advice given, and referral to other health services.

Location of service

Coventry LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Source of funding

Local Authority (LA)

Service type

Mental health

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




Pharmacist and Member of Pharmacy Team has attended a training session which will cover:
• Coaching on approaching SMI patients to provide advice
• SMI – which patients are we targeting and some clinical updates on treatments
• Understanding the increased physical health risk for SMI patients
• Data collection, GP information and reimbursement


This service is available in the Coventry and Warwickshire areas.