Services Database Memory Service
Service ID
Access routes to this service will be determined locally, however they could include:
- identification of need by the pharmacist/trained staff within the pharmacy;
- pharmacy referral as a result of the ‘Promotion of healthy lifestyles (Public Health)’ or ‘Signposting’ Essential services;
- direct referral by the individual; or
- referral by another health or social care worker.
The initial assessment will include the use of a CQUIN question to see if person’s memory has become worse over the past 12 months.
If a dementia diagnosis is in place, an assessment of the patient’s medicines will be completed and if suitable completion of a ‘Medication Assessment and MUR’ if drug side effects may be the cause of a patient’s reduction in memory and cognitive function over the past 12 months. If there are any changes recommended, a letter should be sent to the patient’s GP.
Patients who have completed the Cognitive Test and who have scored ≤ 7 should be referred to their GP. A letter, which will explain that they have had a consultation with the pharmacist and their suggestions, should be given to the patient. An assessment of their medicines should be completed and if suitable completion of a ‘Medication Assessment and MUR’ if drug side effects may be the cause of a patient’s reduction in memory and cognitive function over the past 12 months. If there are any changes recommended, a letter should be sent to the patient’s GP.
Patients that have completed the Cognitive Test and scored ≥ 8 should be offered reassurance of the result and assess the suitability of their medicines to see if side effects may be the cause of a patient’s perceived reduction in memory and cognitive function over the past 12 months. If the patient’s medicines could be a cause of deterioration, a ‘Medication Assessment and MUR’ form should be completed documenting changes that could be made and this should be sent to the patient’s GP.
Information, signposting and relevant advice and literature should be offered to the patient at every stage.
People not wishing to initially engage or those who choose not to complete the programme may be offered appropriate health literature and information on dementia.
A follow up call to the patient 28 days will be made to see what has happened as a result of the initial consultation – has there been a diagnosis? Have any medication interventions helped?
Location of service
Somerset LPC
Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
Method of commissioning
Source of funding
Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
Service type
Other organisations involved
Start date: 19/01/2015
End date:
Not known.