Services Database Minor Ailments Scheme (Tameside & Glossop Area)
Service ID
The pharmacy will provide advice and support to people on the management of minor ailments, including where necessary, the supply of medicines for the treatment of the minor ailment, for those people who would have otherwise gone to their GP for a prescription.
The pharmacy will operate a triage system, including referral to other health and social care professionals, where appropriate.
Location of service
Greater Manchester LPC
Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
Method of commissioning
Source of funding
Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
Service type
Minor ailment service
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
Training events will be held regularly and will be available to all pharmacists and pharmacy staff.
Attendance at the first session on initiation of accreditation and service provision and then at least one session per year is compulsory for the pharmacist(s) / pharmacy manager / dispensing technician(s) accredited to oversee the service in each participating pharmacy.
Pharmacist(s) and / or registered Pharmacy Technician(s) at each pharmacy are encouraged to complete the CPPE learning relating to minor ailments, courses available:
- Minor Ailments – A clinical approach (2014) – e-assessment;
- Responding to minor ailments – distance learning;
- Self care for minor ailments - using RCGP e-learning course; and
- Consultation skills: meeting the new practice standards for Pharmacy (focus on minor ailments) - workshop.
This service is available in the Tameside and Glossop area only.