Services Database Needle & Syringe Programme (Hampshire Area)

Service ID



Promote the availability of drug services and refer to and/or actively encourage engagement with them.

Promote access to other health and social care services.

To protect health and reduce the risk of transfer of blood-borne infections and drug-related deaths among people who inject drugs :

  • By reducing the rate of sharing and other high risk injecting behaviours
  • By providing sterile injecting equipment
  • By promoting safer injecting practices
  • By providing and reinforcing harm reduction messages including safe sex advice and advice on overdose prevention (e.g. risks of poly-drug use and alcohol use)
  • By increasing awareness and the availability of training and supply of Naloxone.
  • By providing training and supply of Naloxone to people at risk of opiate overdose.
  • By providing PWID or at risk of opiate overdose with a supply of replacement naloxone following emergency use or date expiry.


Location of service

Hampshire & IOW LPC


NHS England

Method of commissioning

Source of funding

Service type

Needle & syringe programme

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




Substance misuse providers (SMS) have adopted the Declaration of Competence (DoC) framework as the local process for accreditation; they wish to access the evidence that pharmacy professionals have taken the appropriate steps to reflect on their competence to deliver this service, therefore a DoC and a signed self-declaration of competence certificate will be required as proof of accreditation. This DoC will ensure that pharmacy professionals have a knowledge and understanding of the legal and professional issues, clinical management and common practice relating to substance misuse and misuse in pharmacies. This should be evidenced on PharmOutcomes / ILLY LINKS. A new DoC must be provided at least once every two years.

Pharmacists, Pre-Registration Pharmacists, ACT’s and registered pharmacy technicians and locums involved in the provision of this service must have completed or plan to complete within 3 months of joining the scheme the Declaration of Competence which includes:

  • Competency in consultation skills for pharmacy practice
  • Competency in Safeguarding vulnerable children and adults
  • CPPE Substance use and misuse modules 1-4 and e-assessment
  • Sharing CPPE data with PharmOutcomes MUST be granted by the individual practitioner (specific tick box on the DoC)

Further details can be found here Declaration of Competence (

In addition to the DoC completion of free Naloxone e-learning module via the addiction professional’s website is required.

The Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education (CPPE) lists this as an advanced learning programme for pharmacy professionals and it will take around 1 hour. Please submit the certificate with your DoC via Pharmoutcomes. This training is also available to and a requirement for non-registered staff who will be involved in the supply of naloxone.

Additional training can be provided through Inclusion’s Harm Reduction Team at annual events or ad-hoc as required, and includes but not limited to:

    • Overdose Awareness and use of Naloxone
    • Drug and Alcohol Awareness
    • Harm Reduction advice and information
    • Relapse Prevention

Please contact to arrange ad-hoc face to face training for your teams.

Further certified e-learning on harm reduction provision of NSP is also available free of charge to all staff via Exchange Training ( which is continuously developed and updated.


This service is available in the Hampshire area only.