Services Database Supervised Consumption (Derby City Area)
Service ID
Service Description
The Service will operate as part of the wider Drug and Alcohol Recovery Service currently operated from St Andrews House by Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust. Supervision of prescribed medication (methadone and buprenorphine) is essential in ensuring the efficacy of prescribed drug treatment - and in ensuring the appropriate safeguarding and risk management of those individuals. On accessing drug treatment, the prescribed medication forms part of a wider treatment plan.
The Service Provider will support the delivery of the Service User’s drug treatment plan by –
- Assessing the Service User prior to dispensing prescribed medication to ensure they will not be put at risk of overdose (for example due to intoxication) by taking the medication
- Dispensing prescribed medication in the specified instalments
- Ensuring each supervised dose is correctly administered to the Service User for whom it was intended
- Monitoring the Service Users’ response to prescribed treatment and reporting any concerns to the Drug and Alcohol Recovery Service.
- Monitoring the Service User’s attendance at appointments and reporting any concerns to the Drug and Alcohol Recovery Service.
- Liaison with others directly involved in care of the Service User (where the Service User has given their written consent)
- Identifying and reporting any child or vulnerable adult safeguarding concerns
- Reducing the risk of diversion of prescribed medicines onto the illicit drugs market
- Avoiding accidental exposure of unused or unwanted medication.
Location of service
Derbyshire LPC
Local Authority (LA)
Method of commissioning
Local Authority contract
Source of funding
Local Authority (LA)
Service type
Supervised administration
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
All Pharmacists delivering the Service will have undertaken a relevant CPPE Substance Misuse workshop or distance learning module. The Service Provider will ensure that all Clinicians are competent to deliver the Service and update the declaration of competence for all staff delivering the Supervised Consumption Service on the PharmOutcomes site.