Services Database Supervised Consumption Service (Havering Area)
Service ID
Aims and intended service outcomes
To ensure service user compliance with their prescribed regime by:
- Dispensing medication in specified instalments as instructed on the prescription
- Supervising the consumption of prescribed medication in the pharmacy
To reduce opportunity for diversion and illicit supply of controlled drugs.
To provide regular contact with healthcare professionals for service users.
Location of service
North East London LPC
Other: Change, Grow, Live
Method of commissioning
Source of funding
Local Authority (LA)
Service type
Supervised administration
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
- The lead pharmacists providing the service are required to successfully complete:
- CPPE Substance Use and Misuse (Modules 1 – 4) and the associated learning
- CPPE Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults and the associated learning
- All pharmacists will be required to complete the CPPE Declaration of Competence for Supervised Consumption of Prescribed Medicines. The declaration will need to be confirmed on PharmOutcomes via enrolment.
- The training requirements must be met within three months of joining the service and updated every three years.
- A representative from the pharmacy may be required to attend an annual training event.
- The accredited pharmacist will attend the initial training and accreditation evening organised by before commencing the service.
- The lead pharmacists will be responsible for identifying staff training needs and for recording their own Continuing Professional Development, and cascading training to all staff where appropriate.
This service is available in the Havering area only.