Services Database Supply of Varenicline through Community Pharmacies under Patient Group Direction (PGD) (Knowsley Area)
Service ID
This is a referral service for clients being supported by Knowsley Specialist and Intermediate Stop Smoking Services wishing to use Varenicline to aid their quit attempts. Following assessment and intensive counselling by the Knowsley Specialist Stop Smoking Service or Pharmacy Stop Smoking (Intermediate Service) Advisor, eligible clients would be referred to an accredited pharmacist providing the service if clients want to use Varenicline to aid their quit attempts.
Clients referred for the supply of Varenicline will be given a referral letter by a stop smoking advisor indicating they have received appropriate intensive stop smoking support and will receive ongoing support throughout the duration of the smoking cessation course. If the referral is from a Pharmacy Advisor within the same pharmacy, the letters would not be required.
Pharmacy Advisors should not refer clients to another pharmacy for Varenicline prescription as a stand-alone intervention without stop smoking advice and support if their own pharmacies are not on the scheme. If the Pharmacy is not signed up to deliver Varenicline under PGD - they should refer clients for both stop smoking support and Varenicline as a complete package to another service. Pharmacies not providing intermediate smoking cessation service would receive referrals from the Knowsley Stop Smoking Service only.
Location of service
Halton, St Helens & Knowsley LPC
Local Authority (LA)
Method of commissioning
Source of funding
Service type
Stop smoking
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date: