Briefing 027/23: What pharmacy owners told us in September 2023

Published on: 28th September 2023 | Updated on: 28th September 2023

As part of Community Pharmacy England’s commitment to working more closely with pharmacy owners – listening to them better, as well as engaging more regularly via events and other channels – we sought input from the sector ahead of our September 2023 Committee Meeting.

Between 11th and 29th August, our September pre-Committee opinion poll was conducted to gather views from all pharmacy owners on a series of topical issues. The questions were focused on pharmacy owners’ opinions and preferences about the Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (CPCF) ‘asks’ for 2024/25.

Thanks to all those who took the time to complete the survey. Here we have summarised what you said.

Briefing 027/23: What pharmacy owners told us in September 2023

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