PSNC Briefing 009/21: Serious Shortage Protocol (SSP): SSP012 – Estradot® 75microgram patches

Published on: 29th April 2021 | Updated on: 9th June 2022

In response to significant ongoing disruption to the supply of Estradot® 75 microgram patches, a Serious Shortage Protocol (SSP) have been issued by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and these can be accessed on the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) website. This briefing provides information on these SSPs and is intended as a short guide for contractors to read in conjunction with PSNC Briefing 023/19: Serious Shortage Protocols (SSPs) – A guide for community pharmacy teams.

PSNC’s Briefing 009/21: Serious Shortage Protocol (SSP): SSP012 – Estradot® 75 microgram patches

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