PSNC Briefing 021/21: COVID-19 Costs – Further guidance and claim-related FAQs

Published on: 9th July 2021 | Updated on: 10th June 2022

This briefing builds on PSNC Briefing 016/21 released with the announcement of funding for COVID-related costs and PSNC Briefing 020/21 which gave some insight from PSNC’s cost survey plus an overview of the NHSBSA claim form. These briefings provide information based on our understanding of the process following talks with the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC).

This briefing covers:

  • Further guidance on making a claim;
  • Openings, change of ownership and permanent closures; and
  • Claim-related FAQs.

PSNC Briefing 021/21: COVID-19 Costs – Further guidance and claim-related FAQs

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