Pharmacy service inspiration
Published on: 5th June 2015 | Updated on: 15th March 2022
Services case studies hub
The services case studies hub contains links to articles and news stories published by Community Pharmacy England and other organisations that showcase commissioned community pharmacy services and Healthy Living Pharmacies (HLPs).
Think Pharmacy Prospectuses
Community Pharmacy England has developed a series of prospectuses to help outline what community pharmacy teams could do if certain services were commissioned in their locality. Click on the service names below to read and download them.
Alcohol identification and brief advice (IBA) service
Children’s seasonal flu vaccination
Chlamydia screening and treatment
Domiciliary Medicines Use Reviews
Emergency hormonal contraception
Healthy Start vitamins service
Hypertension case finding service
Supervised consumption of medicines
Community Pharmacy England’s Vision
Community Pharmacy England has a clear vision for the development of community pharmacy services across four key domains:
- Optimising the use of medicines;
- Supporting people to self-care;
- Supporting people to live healthier lives; and
- Supporting people to live independently.
Also, our Pharmacy 5 Point Forward Plan sets out how community pharmacy can help transform the NHS.
Community pharmacy in 2016/17 and beyond
Community Pharmacy England has published a set of service proposals that describe how pharmacy services could develop in the future within the context of Government drives for efficiency. The proposals include the introduction of a care package, which would see repeat dispensing becoming a default option where medicines are needed on a long-term basis, patient registration at pharmacies, and pharmacies offering enhanced medicines optimisation services.
Read the summary of Community Pharmacy England’s service development proposals
Local government support
Community Pharmacy England has developed a flyer outlining what pharmacy can do for your local community.
Services Database
Our Services Database, and the accompanying Services Spreadsheet, contains collated information about local pharmacy services commissioned across England.
LPC News
Browse our news articles which highlight the service development work that Local Pharmaceutical Committees (LPCs) have been doing in collaboration with local commissioners.
Essential facts, stats and quotes
A compilation of facts, stats and quotes relating to different topics to support the commissioning of services. This page is ‘work in progress’ and new topics will continue to be added.
Additional resources
Health Service Journal and Local Government Chronicle supplement about community pharmacy services
This supplement explains how a range of local pharmacy services can help patients and commissioners.
Talking Point
This magazine from Pfizer and Pharmacy Voice has been created to help commissioners, policy makers and pharmacy teams unlock the full potential of community pharmacy.
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