2023 Workforce survey results published

The results of the 2023 Community Pharmacy Workforce Survey have been published by NHS England.

The survey, which will be repeated later in the autumn, is intended to build a picture of the community pharmacy workforce, developing and strengthening the information available to support workforce planning.

The data will also help NHS England and stakeholders to make the case for future investment in education and training for the sector.

The results provide a snapshot of the community pharmacy workforce in autumn 2023.

Read the NHS England key findings presentation

Access the survey data on data.gov.uk

Read more about the workforce survey

Commenting on the overall increase in the number of community pharmacist independent prescribers, Alastair Buxton, Director of NHS Services at Community Pharmacy England, said:

“It is encouraging to see the increase in the number of community pharmacists who are IPs. Pharmacists are now starting to prescribe in NHS England’s IP pathfinder programme, which will help inform how prescribing is incorporated into the NHS contractual framework and how the new Government’s proposed community pharmacy prescribing service might work. We look forward to working with DHSC and NHS England on how prescribing will become part of the CPCF and on how the NHS can support many more community pharmacists to become prescribers.”