Book now for our Price Concessions Webinar


Community Pharmacy England will be hosting a webinar on price concessions to help to explain how the concessions system works and what happens when pharmacy owners report increased prices to us, and to answer your questions and hear further feedback for the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC).

While the concessions system is designed to help alleviate the impact of supply or pricing issues on businesses, medicines supply instability remains one of the most serious issues affecting pharmacy businesses, teams and their patients.

Sign up to our webinar now to come and talk to Community Pharmacy England Committee Members as well as our Funding and Reimbursement Team on this topic.

Sign up the webinar (note, registration will close at 3pm on the day of the event)

Our Pharmacy Pressures Survey this year found 92% of pharmacy teams are dealing with medicine supply issues daily, and almost all reported significant increases in wholesaler and medicine supply issues.

We have been fighting hard for improvements to the price concessions system some of which have now been implemented and we continue to send a strong and clear message to Government that pharmacies cannot continue to subsidise the NHS medicines bill, including in ongoing discussion with officials and pressing for this in Parliament.

Our webinar will explain more about how concession prices are reached, talk about our work, and allow you to raise your concerns and for members of our Committee to hear from you. Objectives of the session include to:

  1. Explain the current issues and pressures in the medicines market;
  2. Demystify the process on how price concessions are granted;
  3. Outline how you can input and what happens when you report an item over Drug Tariff price;
  4. Explain the impact of price concessions on overall funding;
  5. Set out our ongoing concerns and our calls for improvements in the system;
  6. Update you on the package of measures to improve the current system; and
  7. Answer your questions and hear your feedback.

Submit your questions ahead of time by email to to help us shape the event.

Book your place now (note, registration will close at 3pm on the day of the event)

For further information see our price concessions webpage.